10 March, 2025 19:23 IST
Transcript of Chat with Mr.Ajay Kejriwal,Director,Jet Age Securities - 2nd August 2002
[04:10:16 PM] => Myiris: Welcome to the live chat session.
[04:10:25 PM] => Myiris: Our guest today is Mr. Ajay Kejriwal, Director, Jet Age Securities.
[04:10:35 PM] => Mr. Ajay Kejriwal is Director of Jet Age Securities. At the time of this conversation/chat, Mr. Kejriwal may or may not have positions in the stocks mentioned below, although holdings may change at any time. The views expressed by Mr. Kejriwal is based upon information that he considers reliable, but does not represent that it is accurate or complete, and it should not be relied upon as such. Mr. Kejriwal, his company and its affiliates, officers, directors, partners, and employees may, from time to time, have long or short positions in, buy or sell and deal as principal in the securities, or derivatives thereof, of companies mentioned herein and may take positions inconsistent with the views expressed.
[04:10:57 PM] => None of the information contained herein constitutes, or is intended to constitute a recommendation of any particular security or trading strategy or a determination that any security or trading strategy is suitable for any specific person. To the extent any of the information contained herein may be deemed to be investment advice, such information is impersonal and not tailored to the investment needs of any specific person. You should consult with and rely upon your own advisors whether and how to use such information in making any investment decision.
[04:11:05 PM] => y the views expressed by Mr. Kejriwal have no bearing whatsoever with that of IRIS Ltd. IRIS does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information. IRIS especially states that it has no financial liability whatsoever to any user on account of the use of information provided on its website www.myiris.com.
[04:11:19 PM] => Myiris: Welcome to the chat session, Mr. Kejriwal.
[04:13:43 PM] => Rajesh_kr : What do u think will it take for the markets to go up again?
[04:18:41 PM] => AK : Lots of things actually��.the US economy and the markets there, disinvestments picking up pace, Etc.
[04:18:51 PM] => sanil_kp : Howz the bond market expected to perform?
[04:19:03 PM] => AK : I expect interest rates to remain soft in the near term, and hence, the bond market should be flat to positive in the short term. Of course I expect a lot of volatility.
[04:26:02 PM] => Acabhattamit : Is it the right time to invest in equities/G-sec ?
[04:26:13 PM] => AK : I think this is a right time to get into equities for an investor with a slightly medium term investment horizon. However, buying should be done in a time graded manner.
[04:26:22 PM] => s_nagar1 : What to do with NIIT?
[04:26:33 PM] => AK : Sell on rallies.
[04:26:45 PM] => anil_potdar : what was the cut off date for payment of dividend from tata power co?
[04:27:01 PM] => AK : no clue
[04:27:23 PM] => premium : What are the prospects for Hughes Tele.com - should I hold or sell ? when is the merger with Tata going to happen and at what price?
[04:27:32 PM] => AK : I think the risk-reward ratio is pretty decent in this stock. I would buy this stock with a 5 year view. I would put a downside at Rs 4 and upside at Rs 20 in five years.
[04:27:44 PM] => harish.moolchandani : L&T Book closure dates are 25July-8 Aug for 70% Dividend, Now when I have bought share on 25th July would I get the dividend of 70% declared by the company.
[04:27:56 PM] => AK : You are eligible for dividend if you bought before the record date and your name appeared on the shareholders list on the record date.
[04:28:10 PM] => Kishorekanwal : When should I sell HPCL, BPCL,IOC ?
[04:28:20 PM] => AK : Hold on to HPCL and BPCL till the disinvestments.
[04:28:30 PM] => Tsureshk : Nabard Bonds fro Capital Gains. Where do I get them and where do I deposit them. Same with national Highway / REC. I am in Mumbai.
[04:28:42 PM] => AK : Get in touch with the NABARD office at bandra-kurla in mumbai
[04:28:52 PM] => Microsuede : Can I invest in Jindal Vijaynagar Steel Limited .
[04:29:01 PM] => AK : Keep away from this.
[04:29:10 PM] => v_gopals : What is the problem with HCL share? why it is going down so much?
[04:29:21 PM] => AK : Why should it stay at this price ?
[04:36:20 PM] => Jinivas : I request u to tell me which time to enter the market for investing once more and suggest me which sector to enter?
[04:36:29 PM] => AK : Right now is a good time. Have a graded approach in terms of the money invested and the time. If you have a 3-5 year investment horizon you will definitely make money in good companies.
[04:36:45 PM] => chandarooo : What is the NAVs of UTI funds as on 31.03.2002 and 30.06.2002 ?
[04:36:53 PM] => AK : please visit the mutual funds section in myiris. It is pretty exhaustive.
[04:37:01 PM] => usman_dada : Tips on short-term investment?
[04:37:09 PM] => AK : u mean speculation. I do not have any such tips.
[04:37:19 PM] => nsa_gupta : Will the markets rebound ?
[04:37:28 PM] => AK : Oh yes. I do not have any doubt in my mind that this market will trade much higher from current levels in 2 years time. You have to be patient and be willing to weather the storms in between.
[04:37:43 PM] => inayat3 : Is our market safe?
[04:37:53 PM] => AK : there definitely exists room for manipulators and crooked people. But this is so in most markets fo the world. It is upto the investor to navigate himself safely.
[04:45:51 PM] => Ranen_Gandhi : Ajay where is the bottom and when would the rally start?
[04:46:00 PM] => AK : I think it is a futile exercise trying to predict bottoms in the market. The best approach is to buy stocks of companies you like when they are available at bargain prices. Some stocks are definitely trading at bargain levels now.
[04:46:09 PM] => Dhruvlakra : How do I sell shares?
[04:46:17 PM] => AK : Get in touch with your broker
[04:46:32 PM] => vamsi.krishna : Can you put light on social and ethical fund status in India?
[04:46:42 PM] => AK : To my knowledge, there are�nt any social or ethical funds investing in India.
[04:46:52 PM] => dhirajprabhu : Is it a good idea to buy Reliance industries at this price ?
[04:46:59 PM] => AK : yes, I think reliance is pretty attractively prices at present.
[04:47:13 PM] => kaushal144 : I think opto circuits will go to 400 level in next two years. what is your view?
[04:47:20 PM] => AK : No view
[04:47:27 PM] => bankim19 : view on Nocil
[04:47:35 PM] => AK : None
[04:47:48 PM] => rajasekaranpadmanaban : Can income funds give more than 12% this year?
[04:47:56 PM] => AK : I do not think so. Single digit returns will be more likely.
[04:48:05 PM] => rajasekaranpadmanaban : where is HLL scrip heading in 6 months?
[04:48:12 PM] => AK : flat to positive.
[04:48:23 PM] => dkagarwal60 : Should I invest in Hughes software at these levels of Rs136? What is wrong with this company?
[04:48:32 PM] => AK : Best to keep away from technology companies for the moment.
[04:48:40 PM] => Arvindnachaya : What is the out look for ICICI Bank - 1 yr period?
[04:48:48 PM] => AK : positive. The bank is growing at a rapid pace and profitability should improve.
[04:48:57 PM] => equityanalyst34 : What do U feel - Does elliott wave concept work out for equities for short term - say for a month?
[04:49:09 PM] => AK : I have not seen a single technical analyst make money on Elliott wave by predicting monthly movements.
[05:03:55 PM] => avi_g66 : What your call on the 2 wheeler stocks
[05:04:03 PM] => AK : the two wheeler segment continues to grow. However, competition has increased in the last few months with new launches from TVS Suzuki, LML, Bajaj auto and Kinetic. I think while volumes in this business will continue to grow for some time, the margins will be under pressure due to competition.
[05:04:10 PM] => mohan10761 : Do you think IT co stocks have neared its bottom
[05:04:28 PM] => AK : difficult to make a generalized statement as there are so many different types of compnies out there.
[05:04:37 PM] => mohan10761 : What is opinion about HLL stock in 3 to 6 month time frame
[05:05:14 PM] => suneetpal : is zee a good buy at the current levels.long term..its book value is 97 and quarter results are also good
[05:05:30 PM] => AK : I think it is overvalued
[05:05:40 PM] => venx_76 : will the prolonged bear phase continue
[05:05:52 PM] => AK : the bear market is already 2 years old. I think we should be nearing a bottom.
[05:06:01 PM] => ayan : What is outlook on investing in JP Ind,Mcdowell and SKF Bearing currently?
[05:06:12 PM] => AK : mcdowell and skf bearing appear to be god investment ideas.
[05:06:31 PM] => Deepa : How is GNFC and Silverline stock looking to you?
[05:06:40 PM] => AK : GNFC looks attractive. Silverline, I think has gone to the dogs.
[05:06:48 PM] => Vramani : what is the support for the bse sensex
[05:07:26 PM] => AK : I think 2850 is a god support level.
[05:10:18 PM] => vravadka : In a drought like situation how the Indian economy affect?
[05:10:30 PM] => AK : preliminary guess estimates show that the kharif crop will be 10% lower. This could result in a loss of purchasing power of almost 10,000 crs from rural India. This definitely will have an impact on businesses here.
[05:14:20 PM] => Myiris : That�s the end of the chat session for today.
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