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02 July, 2024 11:22 IST
Railway board floats participatory model document: Subodh Jain
Source: IRIS | 20 Feb, 2014, 04.49PM
Rating: NAN / 5 stars.
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Railway board have circulated a document on a participatory model and revived the concept of  non-governmental railways means the stakeholders can have their own lines,  said Subodh Jain, member - engineering, railway board.

"Today, Indian Railways don't have the structured technology mission and structured programme, we need to bring down the unit cost of transportation system. Also, we are working in the field of locomotive that will come in next two years- the model called locomotive high powered fuel efficient," said Jain.
While addressing the conference Jain highlighted current constraints included capacity constraints due to under investment in Infrastructure, unable to capture growth in transport demand, cross subsidization of passenger traffic and perhaps only system functioning without subsidy and results in freight traffic moving to road which causes the inefficient use of energy, higher environmental cost, higher ratio of freight cost to GDP.

To bring down the unit cost of transportation includes modern rolling stock, higher speed & higher axle loads, mechanised maintenance practices, Jain added.

For improvement in passenger train's speed & comfort, improved the signalling, improved rolling stock and increased safety, reduction of level crossings, Instrumentation of track and vehicles and train protection and warning system (TPWS), added Jain.

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